
Incremental or Exponential Growth?
Two Main Frameworks for Business Growth Growing businesses is interesting and really there are two main frameworks and I think most people are stuck in one without necessarily thinking about the other. So most people are doing what I call incremental growth. This is where people are looking at it from the perspective of how do I get slightly more traffic this month? how do I get slightly more leads? slightly more customers? can I get more traffic from Facebook? can I get a lower cost from...

The Profit Wedge… Engineering More Profit & Cash
Our focus today is engineering profit and cash for you the business owner. We've been lucky enough to work with hundreds of businesses and what we see is that most business owners are primarily focused on growing sales revenue, which is fantastic but it's limited. A better goal is to grow profit, and an even a better goal, again, is to grow more cash in your business. What we have seen is what you focus on is what you get. A Common Scenario for Business Owners With most businesses that we see,...

The Power of a Digital Marketing Mastermind
Why Put Your Focus on Digital Marketing? We now live in a time of 'The Digital Age'. Old school medias such as newspapers, TV advertising and the Yellow pages are quickly being surpassed and replaced by modern, faster and better advertising and exposure mechanisms such as Google Search, Display, Shopping, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Amazon, Facebook Advertising, Remarketing and Banner Advertising, Instagram, Linked In and much, much more. These Digital Marketing tools...

The Four Business ‘Must Have’ Prerequisites
I Like To Think About Business Like A Cake. If You Don't Have The Right Ingredients - The Reality Is... The Cake Just Won't Rise.I like to think about business is a like bit like a cake. You know with a cake you can put a whole bunch of stuff in, but if you don't have the right ingredients, the reality is the cake won't rise... And business is a lot like that as well. There is four real, what I would call mandatory, 'Must Have' requirements. It's great to think about these with your business,...

Don’t be Afraid of the Upsell & Why you Need to Include a ‘Slack Adjuster’
Are you leaving money on the table? Read on and watch this quick video to find out. I often see clients being afraid of the upsell. They get a bit uncomfortable with it at a subconscious level. Watch the quick video below to see how the upsell and the slack adjuster can help your business.Brands Built on the Upsell The things is, if you look at big organizations like McDonalds, that's really where their profit comes in. They’ve built their business on the upsell. They’re not really making...

How To Get More Power In Your Business…
Filter Your Leads!

The Profit Triad – The 3 Ways to Grow Any Business
Acquire Customers ~ Who Spend More ~ And Buy Again1: Get More Customers The first part of the Profit Triad is how do we get more customers. Often everyone thinks about "we've got to get more traffic' ok, which yes that's true, if you can double the amount of traffic, you may be able to double the amount of sales BUT it's a very very expensive way of doing it. What we want to be doing first is optimising the website, optimise the presence, the calls to action, the sales page. In every business,...

The Top 10 Traits The Most Successful Business Owners Have
We've been lucky to work with over 300 business owners now. And what we found is success leaves clues. So I'm going to share with you 10 traits or 10 things we see in the most successful business owners. I think this is worth writing down and giving yourself a bit of a scorecard as far as 'how am I tracking on these things?' Because if you're missing any of them, then it may just be an opportunity to work on that area. This video is not about technology and assets which might surprise you....

The Coolness Factor
What Makes You Money Vs What Makes You HappyCoolness Factor Julia from our team, this morning she was just asking about 'coolness factor', it's one of the things I talk about a bit. I had a consult with a guy this morning, he's doing between $150-$200 million a year and I'm helping him with some digital marketing. He was talking about some different things he could add into his business that could make him more money. I actually asked him, "What would make you really happy? Would adding those...

The Balanced Success 4
As Business Owners How Do We Define Success? Often people will think about it being money right? Maybe $1 million, maybe $5 million, maybe $10 million that kind of thing. Well we recently asked this at our High Level Collective Mastermind and and it was interesting to see what our members were saying in reflection of success for themselves. Success was very much congruent with their values and what they wanted in life: creating freedom, creating peace and creating happiness and really an...