How To Increase The Cash In Your Business Bank Formulaically…
Reduce Receivable Days & Increase Payable Days These two levers, when working together, can have a dramatic effect on the amount of cash in your actual bank account without even increasing your sales at all. Very very powerful these two together. Lever #8: Reducing your Receivable Days This is talking about when businesses and people owe you money, setting up systems and processes that claim that money much much faster. We teach six proven strategies for reducing your receivable days....

The Impact Ease Grid to 80/20 Your Business Decisions
Teaching at Digital Marketer Warroom... I was just recently in San Diego for the Warroom mastermind meeting with Ryan Deiss, Perry Belcher and Frank Kern. We were doing an exercise of planning out step-by-step how we were each going to double our businesses in the coming 12 months. Ryan, who was running the session said that he heard me say something that morning that was so important that he wanted me to change what he had planned for the afternoon and asked me to teach it to the entire...

I was Surfing With James Schramko When He Said…
Just a quick note to share some cool stuff from the last week or so, and some learnings from it. Life is good. I just got off the plane on the weekend from a crazy trip to Las Vegas for a high level mastermind with Ryan Deiss, Frank Kern and Perry Belcher (Don't miss the keynote at the Digital Marketing Summit as I'm going to summarise the best stuff I learned from those guys this year plus much more). I made a rookie level mistake in Vegas and went to an all day pool party called 'Rehab' at...

Local Domination – Be A Big Fish In A Small Pond
Blanket Marketing Vs Big Fish In Small Pond When it comes to online advertising, especially for services based businesses and traditional ‘bricks and mortar’ businesses , we can do blanket marketing and put our marketing message out across the whole state or we could just define a radius around a certain location and then be the big fish in that small pond. So which makes more sense? Defining your ‘Small Pond’ If you’re thinking small pond, then you’re on the right track. Basically the first...
The Most Important Financial IQ Levers That Influence Your Profit!
How To Reduce Your Expenses, Increase Your Cash & Create The Profit Wedge In Your Business Lever 7: Reduce Expenses & Cogs Lever number seven is reduce expenses and COGS. So COGS means Cost of Good Sold. If you're selling Widgets, how do you reduce the expenses of those Widgets when you're buying them? You want to know this because it is actually the fastest way to double the profitability of nearly any business. Actually, the truth is the fastest way to double the profitability of...
Love The One You Are With…
Repeat Business Is A Mandatory Requirement! By the way, it's a great time to be reading this post as right now we've go a quick 30 seconds survey to pinpoint the biggest opportunity available to you so you can focus your efforts on the 'biggest-impact' areas to rapidly grow your business. If this is something of interest to you, click here to take the quick survey!

How to Become a Sales, Marketing & Business Puppet Master / Rainmaker… Systematically Scale Any Business
A Heads Up: This is not just your 'average blog post'. What you have in your hands is a summary of how to scale any business and make it more profitable. This framework is the results of Greg Cassar learning as he worked with over 300 businesses and spent over $250k on his business, marketing, sales & mindset education. Let's get stuck in on how to make you a puppet master or rainmaker in any business you choose to scale. STEP 1 - Business Must Have Pre-Requisites I Like To Think About...
A Cost Centred Approach VS A Profit Centred Approach
Have you ever thought about what's the biggest cost in your business...and can you turn that into a profit? It's not a question you hear everyday, but one that can make a real difference. I'll give you an example. Recently we were working with this services business, amazing entrepreneurs. They are doing really, really well from a traffic point of view, really really well from a lead generation point of view but when we were speaking about how to scale the business, it was really important...
This Cost Me $30k to Learn – Why Most Info Marketing Offers Fail and What to Do About It…
This Lesson Cost Me Over $30k & It's Changed EVERYTHING! What's the difference between an ordinary offer and an outstanding offer? Well, last year we had an info product offer, I was giving away amazing value, over $250k invested and 10 years worth of experience consolidated into an online 8 week course but it didn't fly the way we thought it would. The reason why is because we made a really, really big mistake, I'm talking about a $30k + mistake! Are you ready to know the...
E.S.E … Education, Strategy & Execution
E.S.E... A Simple Acronym for a Highly Effective Business & Life 1: Education & Knowledge When you think about education and knowledge, what's really crazy and doesn't make any sense to me, is that most people stop their education process wen they finish highschool or when they finished university. They basically switched off and think that their done with it. If I think back to my younger years of education, straight out of university I was hustling. I got into Corporate...