E.S.E … Education, Strategy & Execution

E.S.E... A Simple Acronym for a Highly Effective Business & Life

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1: Education & Knowledge

When you think about education and knowledge, what's really crazy and doesn't make any sense to me, is that most people stop their education process wen they finish highschool or when they finished university. They basically switched off and think that their done with it.

If I think back to my younger years of education, straight out of university I was hustling. I got into Corporate IT and I became Microsoft Certified, IBM Certified and it didn't matter what I did, I always kept educating myself and I was kept wanting to rise to the top. The same thing started happening with my business and marketing education.


I think there is definitely a trend with a lot of businesses that aren't making it to where they want to go, or that are failing completely and it always comes back to the fact they aren't investing constantly in their knowledge and mindset - they don't arm themselves with the right info to help them succeed. I just think it's so so crucial and it's really been the secret to my success over the years.

2: Strategy

You have to think about business like you are a General. It doesn't matter if you lose an individual battle, obviously you don't want to lose as general rule, I don't think any Generals want to go home and report to their King or Government that they lost lives and the battle. But, if you think conceptually, you want to win the overall war. So I think a lot of people are thinking about it like their in the trenches like a soldier, rather then thinking about it more like a General. Ask yourself, how would a General behave?
The modern version of that is a CEO. A lot of people think, "I'm a 'Digital Marketer" or "I'm a Chiropractor" who uses digital marketing, but I challenge you to think at a higher level!


What's the overall business strategy you need to use to win the overall game of business, and then, what's the individual tactics you need to use to fill the holes in the bucket.

So strategy is just so so important and really build on the first point, which was Education and Knowledge. Remember, it's fine to pivot, it's fine to change your strategy over time, that's fine.

3: Execution

This last one is really 100% up to you and it can be the difference between success and failure. E for execution and we know for a fact success follows speed. You can learn the best strategies and tactics in the world BUT if you do NOTHING with it, you're going to get ZERO results from it. So when you get an idea, you have to make sure that it's right for you and then you have to execute it with speed.


Now think about it with your own business... How are you going with your ESE? Are you educating yourself, plugging in and getting new knowledge all the time? Are you developing strategy OR are you just in the tactics? And are you actually implementing OR are you just working IN your business and not ON your business? I think these are really good questions to be asking yourself and checking it consistently.


By the way, it's a great time to be reading this post as right now we've go a quick 30 seconds survey to pinpoint the biggest opportunity available to you so you can focus your efforts on the 'biggest-impact' areas to rapidly grow your business. If this is something of interest to you, click here to take the quick survey!

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